Wolverine - Head (resculpted hair)
Wolverine - Torso/Arms
Wallace "Ripcord" Weems - Legs
Drax the Destroyer - Belt, Knives
Wet-Suit - Harness
Snake Eyes - Knee pads

Codename: Weapon-X is my mashup of the X-Men universe with GI Joe. I'm re-imagining each character's mutant ability as a military specialty.

File Name: Howlett, James Logan
Primary Military Specialty: Edged-Weapon Combat
Secondary Military Specialty: Tracking
Country of Origin: Canada

CEREBRO FILES: WOLVERINE is a former member of the Canadian special forces group ALPHA FLIGHT. Seemingly indestructible, he has participated in and survived more engagements than any other member of WEAPON-X and is also the eldest. He is extremely adept at hand-to-hand combat and favors the use of long-bladed knives, often carrying up to half a dozen into battle.

XAVIER'S NOTES: I recruited WOLVERINE from forced-retirement as a PMC. Frankly, his short temper and unwillingness to work as part of a team would have prevented me from offering him a place in WEAPON-X, but I was afraid the BROTHERHOOD wouldn't be nearly as discerning. He is a hard man to have as an ally, but we cannot afford to have him as an enemy.

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