All parts - Cobra Soldier (reproduction)

Machine pistol - Marauder Inc.

A few years ago I bought a lot of unpainted Black Major Cobra troopers. I used the opportunity to create a variety of Cobra troopers. Blue uniforms (the originals) are infantry and light grey uniforms are transportation (based on the Stinger Driver). White uniforms are aviation, green uniforms are rangers, brown uniforms are combat engineers, purple uniforms are marines and black uniforms are shock troopers. Finally, red uniforms are armour (based on the HISS Driver). There are two varieties of red troopers; this one is the tanker, the soldiers who operate Cobra's armored vehicles. HISS Drivers (which are called Cobra Horsemen in my Joeverse) are the officers, and Tankers are the enlisted men. I gave this figure an extra-large white Cobra logo, since that's what the HISS Driver has, and armed him with a Skorpion machine pistol since the Cobra soldier filecard indicates they're trained in its use.

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