Head: A-Team (movie)- Face (cast by starwarsgeek)
Chest/back, waist, legs: DCIH- Commissioner Gordon
Arms, jacket: ROC Cobra Commander
Hands: ???


Before Doctor Mindbender, Doctor Venom was Cobra's resident mad scientist. Introduced and killed in the early run of Marvel Comics, Doctor Venom didn't receive a figure until the GI Joe Collectors' Club hobbled one together. That figure was a sort of prequel figure, as it depicted Doctor Venom as he might have appeared as a younger man.

This figure represents Doctor Venom if he returned today, featuring a fancy lab coat with technokibble on the arms. (I know IDW ran a storyline where his memories were downloaded into Doctor Mindbender from a brainwave scanner, but I'm not sure how that plot wrapped up.)

Design/Colors & Paint:

At this point, I assume that ReAction will be making a comic book accurate Doctor Venom. So I went with a more vibrant pink shirt to have some fun. The Grand Moff Tarkin head is the go-to head used by customizers, but I went with the Face head to see what I could do with it. To age up the head a bit, the age lines were added.

Sculpting & Modifying:

The head is a starwarsgeek cast.

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