Head and boots: Scalpel
Everything else: Sand Scorpion

Just like Dr. Mindbender, I can say- this is my finest creation!

Valor vs Venom style Serpentor. It was incredibly fun to use some stuff I haven't really looked at in years. I love Valor vs Venom because it was when I was really first getting into the series, so it was a pleasure to make one of my favorite vintage characters in this style.

Most of him is the Sand Scorpion, with the boots and head of Scalpel. I had a spare comic pack helmet (I knew I wouldn't regret buying those) so I painted the eyes in and the helmet fit PERFECTLY! I was ecstatic!

I also had a Mindbender cape, which, though I hated to make him part with it was PERFECT for Serpentor. I left the inside black for a contrast to the figure. I need to clean that one paint stain.

Ah! I also used the Baroness Disguise Lady Jaye's gauntlets to jazz up the rather boring Sand Scorpion arms. It worked so well!

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