All Marauders Task Force Parts

I tried putting this figure together months ago. I figured it would be easy since the Marauders Task Force "Contract-Ops" T-Shirt torso had been released in a tan color and a more simplified WWII style harness rig was also now on the website. The thing that kept me from finishing the figure, however, was the fact that the original style Marauders Task Force "Desert-Ops" camouflage style legs had been discontinued (being in the style of the Desert Storm pattern from the '90s) and a much more modern and "digital-cam" desert camouflage pattern had replaced it. I DID already have the old style camouflage patterned legs in my inventory, but they were the futuristic "armored" leg style and not the contemporary "cloth" leg style (if this is confusing, take a look at the desert style offerings on the Marauders website to get a clearer picture). After waiting for months for the correct style of legs to come back on the website to no avail, I just decided to use what I had and call it a day. I painted the webgear and leg armor brown to more closely math the original Hasbro figure. Since many of Dusty's parts resembled the recent Desert Rock 'N Roll I had completed, I decided to make them buddies and members of the very exclusive Rat Patrol sub-team (picture #4).

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