Head: General Flagg v1
Torso: Duke v3
Arms: Duke v3
Waist: Quick Kick
Legs: B.A.T.s v1
Accessories: Lightfoot's bot, plus misc Chap Mei.
Sparkplug was among the first Joes. Unfortunately, he was injured in a battle, and got left with a prosthetic leg. He was offered a generous retirement plan by the army, but he chose to stay on with the team. And since Sparkplug was an ace mechanic, he has requested to be assigned to the motor pool, keeping every vehicle in tip-top shape. Being the veteran that he is, he's not beyond telling war stories to the new Joe recruits. And if there's nobody else around, he still has his cat Muffet to accompany him.
Notes: This figure's cat companion is dedicated to our departed family cat, Muffet, a Persian cat, who has been with us since he was a little kitten, hiding underneath our beds when first introduced to his new home. Muffet had been in our lives for several years, serving as a "big brother" to our other subsequent pets, even to our dogs, with whom he gets along quite well, and I wished I spent more time with him before he passed away. This is my way of remembering him.