Head: Shipwreck (SpyT)
Torso: Firefly (SpyT)
Upper Arms: Gung-Ho (BTR)
Lower Arms: Shipwreck (SpyT)
Waist: Grunt (SpyT)
Legs: Dusty (JvC)

Helmet: CORPS

This figure was for a ToyNewsI.com contest last summer, where you had to mix and match from various sub-teams to come up with a figure.

I chose the set of 'Slaughter's Marauders', 'Tiger Force', 'Night Force', and 'Steel Brigade'. To fit each, I chose Taurus (a Renegade, but definitely associated with Sgt. Slaughter) in a Steel Brigade-inspired set of parts choices, in Night Force colors using a Tiger Force camo pattern.

The fun part here was sanding down Shippy's knit cap into Taurus's bald head and sculpting out the goatee.

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