Head: Duke 92

Upper Half: Tundra Stalker

Lower Half: Scoop

Chute pack: Snow Serpent v9

Chute: Airborne v2

Backpack: Snow Serpent

When Sky Patrol was created, Duke told Joe brass, "I want in!"

General Hawk and Flint were like, "Whaaa?"

"Your scared of heights, how the hell you gonna be jumping out of planes?" Flint asked.

"Just let me train for it, I'll be fine." And the rest was history.

I really went back and forth on who to make this guy, I was even thinking of making him Cobra, and for me this version of Duke's head doesn't make me think of Duke, especially without the molding I did to it, but a friend mentioned making him a Sky Patrol Duke, and I thought about it and thought it would be cool.

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