Head: Bazooka 85
Torso: Crimson Guard 85
Arms: W.O.R.M.S. 87
Waist: Crimson Guard 85
Legs: Windchill 89

Helmet: Hot Seat 89
Gun: Iron Grenadier 03
Pistol: Marauder

When I set out to make a custom of Voltar, I had a few rules that I set for myself. First, no repainting a Voltar figure with black, gold and red. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that approach, it's just been done about 100 times. Second, I wanted a uniform that looked like it would actually be worn by a General. Lastly, I wanted a removable helmet. 1 and 2 were no problem but the helmet proved to be more a challenge than I thought it would be. The only helmets with the eye piece on the right side were Knockdown and Long Range, neither of which I like. So I went with a Hot Seat helmet. I explain the eye piece being on the left like this: Voltar had been using his old helmet for so many years that the electronics in the eye piece damaged his right eye. After having eye surgery, he had a new helmet made with the eye piece on the left to give his right eye time to heal. Well, let me know what you guys think.

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