Head: Sgt. Airborne (modified)
Body: Sgt. Airborne
All but submachine gun: Sgt. Airborne
Submachine gun: Beach Head v5

Air mobile (or air assault) is the movement of forces by helicopter to engage and destroy enemy forces or to seize and hold key terrain. In addition to regular infantry training, these forces usually receive training in rappelling and air transportation, and their equipment is sometimes modified as well to allow better transportation in aircraft. Due to the transport load restrictions of those aircraft, air assault troops are usually light infantry.

HARM*-Vipers are the Cobra equivalent of allied Air Assault soldiers. HARM-Viper units are designed and trained for air insertion (sometimes referred to as vertical envelopment), air re-supply, and if necessary air extraction. They are also often used as part of Deep Operations in conjunction with other forces such as Dart-Vipers.

* Heliborne AiR Mobile

I have a lot of Sgt. Airborne figures and wanted to turn them into Army Builder Cobra Heliborne troops, since that niche was missing. By sculpting on a facemask, I can use the great helmet he came with for other projects.

C. Urbach, an artist and customizer whom I admire, was a big inspiration for this custom.

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