Head - Cobra Trooper v4
Arms, torso, waist - Short-Fuze etc. (Red Laser reproduction)
Legs - Airborne (Red Laser reproduction)

Submachine gun - Marauder Inc.
Sword - unknown

Red Laser made a couple of Cobra troopers using Joe parts, which look very nice in classic Cobra blue. A few additional painted details improved the look even more, and on this one I did a head swap as well to make it seem more intimidating, Figure names like "Cobra Soldier" or simply "Cobra" are not very evocative, so I wanted to give each type of faceless Cobra from the early years of the line unique names, much like the Vipers of later years. In naming these troopers, I imagine that Cobra Commander has a Napoleonic view of himself and so uses many terms from the Grande Armee. So the Sabreurs are officers who lead the Shock Troops into battle.

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