Head - vintage Backblast
Body - various vintage Joes

The Ring of Fire Part 7

Just like the animal he shares his name with, Cougar is a ferocious fighter. He doesn't say much, he lets his grenades do the talking. A survivalist in the wild, Cougar never hibernates; he just keeps on going until the job gets done.

Cougar saved enough grenades to blow enemy vehicles to cause disarray while Grizzly and Grasshopper fought Cobra Troopers and Vampire B.A.T.s to create room for Tarantula to sneak into a Rattler which held his sister. Unknown to the pilot, his co-pilot seated at the back beside Tarantula's sister, was already left unconscious on the ground and Tarantula now seated beside her sister. As the Rattler made its way towards a Mayon Volcano, Tarantula knocked the pilot unconscious, and ejected out of the plane with her sister.

Cobra Commander who was riding a Hurricane plane to oversee the mission was truly angry when he witnessed how his last sacrifice escaped. He told Vapor, the Hurricane pilot, to switch on auto pilot and jump off the plane and dive into the mouth of the volcano to complete the 6 sacrifice needed to resurrect the Snake Demon! Vapor hesitated, so Cobra grabbed him and threw him into the volcano!

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