Primary specialty: Motivational manager
Secondary specialty: Interference, mostly with handing off the bullhorn

After countless defeats to the side of good, Cobra Commander has finally found the ultimate secret weapon. That's right, the Mouth of the South, Jimmy Hart. The commander didn't think the problem was loyalty, just preparation and tactics. Hart immediately hired dietitians and more trainers and is constantly "talking" to the recruits and veterans alike. In combat, the self proclaimed colonel rides in his personal hiss and tells people what to do and how to do it with a Techno Viper improved megaphone.

The jacket was not as good as my first try,I had to redo it since I have a different shade of white now. The curl in the front looks great in your hand but not so great on the screen. I had some white sunglasses for him and a bulhorn using a pistol and putty, but I lost them when I moved.

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