Cover Girl
Cover Girl

File Name: Krieger, Courtney A.
Primary Specialty: Intelligence
Secondary Specialty: Interrogator
Birthplace: Peoria, Illinois

Cover Girl grew up rich, with a strong, domineering mother and a weak father. She learned early on how to manipulate with looks, words and gestures, how to betray people in ways they'd never seen coming, and suck their trust right back in after you did it. Never one to trust too much to any one set of ideals, she kept her body physically fit, studied and mastered both aikido and kung-fu, learned a variety of knife-fighting skills and is a deadly shot with pistols and submachine guns.

As a teen she turned to modeling and rose quickly to fame, particularly when so much of her competition started having horrible, disfiguring "accidents" or were driven to suicide...surprisingly, all of that group being friends of hers. Her career ended at nineteen when she castrated a photographer she claimed tried to rape her (he had in fact managed to put one over on her by having two girlfriends, and she wouldn't stand for it).

Nicknamed "The Castrator" in the tabloids, she soon found herself out of modeling...but not out of work. Acting as a spy, infiltrator, sometime interrogator and assassin for a variety of underworld types, she eventually crossed Hawk's radar and was lured onto the Joe team, where she employs her considerable skills and charm to learn a variety of secrets both without and within the team; she also operates as a covert recruiter and handles some of the PR work for the Joes as a "spokesperson" to disaffected groups, usually militant women's groups. Rumor has it she may also be Hawk's lover, though no one will say this openly for fear of waking up minus a few body parts if she hears them, courtesy of the "Courtney's Little Friend" knife she keeps on her at all times.

"Make no mistake, Cover Girl is not some vapid airhead who eats rice cakes all day and thinks buffalo have wings. She's a succubus; a demon hiding behind a pretty face, and she can be anything you want: sweet, sassy, prim, vulgar. In the end though she's just plain dangerous and she will find ways of making you talk. You might even like some of them." - Hawk

"Men are walking bags of meat and hormones. Flash a smile, bat an eye, show some skin, and they're putty. Even the most moral ones fall, because everybody's got something they want in a woman, and I find it, and give it to them...and then I get what I want. They just better hope I leave happy, or I might take a piece of them with me as a souvenir." - Cover Girl

This one gave me fits. I wanted a figure that was both sexy and deadly looking, and the original version I came up with didn't work, so I decided to change everything from the waist down while leaving the top: Bombstrike is easily the best looking female Joe ever created. I added the hair to that and painted it brownish red (the best I can figure Cover Girl's hair is supposed to be) as well as sanding down the neck ball, and went to work on the rest. Getting the legs to come out "just right" took a considerable amount of sanding, Sculpy and putty (had to "build up" the upper thighs to match with the waist). The end result is still not quite what I wanted, but I think it conveys just how dangerous and sinister Cover Girl can be as a spy/assassin/interrogator and seductive as a recruiter/PR person.

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