
Real Name: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown

The mysterious man known as Zartan is an accomplished martial artist, almost unequaled as an archer and is unsurpassed in his use of holograms and hypnotism to change his appearance. Some believe he received military training in Europe. He was called upon by a stranger to investigate a young silent assassin known as Snake-Eyes, that killed his family on the way back from the war. Zartan infiltrated the ninja clan that took in Snake-Eyes, by taking on the apprenticeship of the Sword Master Onihashi. He grew in many ways under the teacher. He came in for his daily training to find the Master in defense against Snake-Eyes. Zartan tried to stop Snake-Eyes, but it was too late. Snake-Eyes killed the man Zartan looked up to. Zartan fled the clan, to never show his face there again for not being quick enough to stop the tragedy. Zartan relocated in the Florida Everglades to become one with his surroundings, his place of healing.

Cobra Commander located Zartan to tell him about Snake-Eyes joining up with G.I. Joe to help him in his need to bring them down. To help him in his healing of his heart. He was once again brought together with his brother and sister, Zandar and Zarana to help in the cause. Zartan works as a Shadow Operative for Cobra, infiltrating GI Joe's bases to investigate their doings and saving the captured tortured Cobra soldiers. Zartan hopes to one day confront the man who killed his mentor with the weapons his master once owned.

The idea I had for Zartan slowly came together as I was looking over pieces. I thought the Decimator head would work great for a ninja type. I had to do a Neckiotomy on him to put the head on a neck that would fit the new sculpt torso. BurnOut's forearms were extremly long, so I cut them down about a fourth of an inch and glued the hands back on. The skirt and cloak I used are from the SW Asajj Ventress female sith. I cut the skirt apart just leaving the straps intact and glued it to SnowJob's waist. I formed the saber holders to be able to hold the swords. I trimmed up the SS bow taking off the pulleys, string, arrows and guides to where it was just a plain bow. I then glued a stretchy string onto each end to make a working string. The arrows I glued into the inside of his cloak for easy access for shooting. I had dyed all the parts with the dark green RIT.

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