
This is my third attempt at a spacenok, my first was a version of buzzer more akin to his 80's roots, but that didn't feel right. I had previously used a BBI head for buzzer and when looking through customs, I saw Moto-vipers' buzzer. This one used mirage's head with a sculpted pony tail. But it go me thinking, what if he cut the pony tail and started using his brain? I know, a lot of people(myself included)can't see buzzer without at least one of his trademark items. I had thought about the chainsaw, I actually have the accessory made, but I really didn't think a cerebral buzzer would need it. The only trademark item he has is his glasses, I had thought about painting them to match his "shades" but left them clear as it is much more techno looking.

I really like the scheme and wish I had not knicked the paint three times during photo'ing. But one thing I will apologize for, the quality of photos, for some reason, my camera is not focusing. I've had it 4 years with no problems, so I guess it could be wearing out.

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