
Filename: Duthie, Stan
Primary MOS: Radio Telephone Operator
Secondary MOS: Electronics Technician
Birthplace: Seattle WA

Amp always wanted to be a rockstar. All through high school and college he moved from band to band, and bar to bar, hoping for his big break. A break that never came. Totally disillusioned, Amp abandoned his old lifestyle and many of his old beliefs and, much to the dismay of his friends, joined the Army. The adjustment was very hard, and he had numerous disciplinary problems. Eventually however, he calmed down, and found a field in which he could excel.

Amp knows his stuff, no doubt about that. He can handle himself on the battlefield and does a bang up job as the Marauders ears. However he is prone to depression over his choices in life and this can make him a liability. It doesn't interfere to the point of danger for his teammates (he'd never allow it to) but it can cause unneeded friction.

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