Dreadnok Air Skiff
Dreadnok Air Skiff

When Zanzibar finally realized he wasn't cut out to be a sailor he looked for other ways he could quench his thirst for pillaging. He found what he was looking for among the zeppellins and airships that were becoming more common above the cities of the world. Building his Air Skiff from salvaged parts he was able to create a craft that had 10 times the range of airships 3 times its size. This enables the Skiff to travel cover more area than a seagoing vessel. This also allows him to approach and attack without warning. The Air Skiff is equipped with two outboard propellers for forward propulsion and has been upgraded with landing stabilizer legs which allow it to land on any open patch of ground and deflate its balloons to be easily hidden. Most airships are unable to land and deflate without the assistance and stabilization of a launch/landing tower. Zanzibar uses his Air Skiff to plunder the seas for his employer the Dreadnok Pirate Zartan. He is the scourge of the skies and the Air Skiff is a big part of that reputation.

The Golden Compass airship made for the perfect Dreadnok Air Skiff on its own but I wanted to add a little something to spice it up. Adding on the propellers and legs from the Star Wars Ilum droid gave it that little something I wanted and the look of the legs fits with style quite well.

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