
Zanzibar just couldn't cut it as a sailor. The tossing and turning of the sea made him weak in the knees and stomach and his fellow shipmates made fair sport of his queasiness. But he has no such troubles riding the air currents above the sea. From the deck of his Air Skiff he can spot a merchant vessel from 5 times the distance a seagoing ship could. Hated and reviled among most of the pirate legions, Zanzibar has found his niche working as a mercenary for the infamous Zartan as one of the Dreadnok Pirates.

The Major Bludd head worked really well for Zanzibar even though the eyepatch is on the wrong eye. After adding the Scarlett ponytail and modifying it to fit the Crimson Guard neck it all came together. The shoulder pads I feel are iconic to the character and the Destro legs are perfect for a swashbuckling pirate. A little paint to give him that Victorian era look and Zanzibar the Sky Pirate was ready to fly.

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