Head: cast VvV Cobra Co head
Torso: VvV Kamakura
Arms: VvV Gung-Ho
Legs: ST Depth-Charge (modified)
Waist: unknown
Swords & Sheaths: VvV Night Creeper and Scarlett glued and modified.
Bow: FS Storm Shadow

Storm Shadow is the next in my unplanned updates to Classic figures. I know certain aspects don't match with the original (i.e. his sash is on the wrong side).
I had originally wanted to customize a Brock Lee version, but could never find the right parts. I reversed the Scarlett sheath when gluing it to the NC one so that the peg was exposed to become a holder for the bow. I'm really pretty pleased with him overall. I posted him earlier in the critiques section to try and figure out what was missing, and I gained a ton of great and usable feedback. I agree that the dagger and throwing stars would add to the overall classic feel, but I couldn't find the right parts to make it work. So here he is...back to the basics.

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