Head: RoC Ripcord
Helmet: 25th Pilot Scarlett
Torso: 25th Viper
Arms, hands: 25th Spirit
Upper legs: Resolute Cobra Trooper
Lower legs: 25th Ripcord

The Adventure People line was launched by Fisher Price in 1975. The sturdy sets allowed older kids to act out various action and adventure scenarios with the 4'' figures and vehicles. I had a few sets as a kid (still have my Safari Truck packed away somewhere). Since I built a homage to the Safari Expedition in 2015, I figured I would keep the theme going with another one of my childhood favorites - the Air-Sea Rescue Copter.

For the pilots, I tried to keep the ''simple'' look and feel of the original figures. To do this, I used 25th parts. These have slightly less sculpted detail than the more modern bank. At the same time, 25th parts have a decent range of motion. The paint colors mimic the original figures as well.

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