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Codename | Speciality/Blurb | Creator |
2 Para | Action Force 2 Para | OreoBuilder |
Action Man | International Super Agent | OreoBuilder |
Aqua Trooper | Diver Underwater Demolition | DREMEL |
Athena | Intelligence | LeeMarvin80 |
Baron Ironblood | Red Shadows Leader | steve2477 |
Baron Ironblood | Organisational Military Strategy/Born Leader | Kilcarr |
Baron Ironblood | Red Shadows Supreme Leader | HypnoHustler |
Baron Von Ritchofen | Ramjet pilot | DREMEL |
Barracuda | SAS Force Frogman | Kambei |
Barracuda | Frogman | LeeMarvin80 |
Basher | Machine Gunner | LeeMarvin80 |
Beaver | Amphibious Assault | Jogunwarrior |
Beaver | Amphibious Assault | LeeMarvin80 |
Beaver | SAS Waterborne Sabotage | OreoBuilder |
Beaver | Canadian Patrol Pathfinder | Kwinn_Lives |
Beaver | Saboteur | steve2477 |
Big Ben | SAS exchange trooper | DavAnthony |
Black Cat | Counter-Terrorism | LeeMarvin80 |
Black Major | Combat Leader | steve2477 |
Black Major | Royal Marine | Buddusky |
Black Major | Red Shadow Field General | Vanishing Point |
Blades | SAF Assault Pilot | Vanishing Point |
Blades | Hawk Pilot | steve2477 |
Blades | Helicopter Pilot | LeeMarvin80 |
Blowtorch | Flame Thrower | OreoBuilder |
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
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