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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
"Avalanche" Former Cobra Arctic Armor Officer Garrey
"Fatso with the Machine Gun" Armed Protester past nastification
"Howling Mad" Murdock A-Team Pilot Rambo
"V" Visitor Shock Trooper fschalk
10 Royal Flush Gang: Martial Arts joemichaels70
12-Gauge Shotgunner sgartz
4ND-R01D Protocol Android Mainframe
A.V.A.C. Firebat Pilot Kamakura
A.V.A.C. Firebat Pilot husker85
AAA ("Triple A"/Amy Amanda Allen) Reporter/Contact past nastification
ABC warrior Robot soldier Rambo
Abe Vampire killer Rosey Joe
Abraham Lincoln Steampunk kramer 70
Abrams Tank Commander Doc Rob
Abutre Negro Air Commander raptor
Abutre Negro South American Cobra Official General Hawk
Abutre Negro International Exclusive Void
Abyss COBRA Heavy Machine Gunner duke
Abyss-Viper Underwater Demolitions Mainframe
Accelerator M.A.R.S. Interceptor Driver Phobus
Ace Mission Briefing Lance Sputnik
Ace Fighter Pilot singsingjohnny
Ace Fighter Pilot Kwinn_Lives
Ace Fighter Pilot Kwinn_Lives
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