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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Bender Pistol Combat narceron
Bravestarr Sheriff icecreamman
Calvary Mutant Police Operative CDR
Cobra Cowboy Viper Rustler Custom catastrophes
Cowboy Village People Force Member Ian
Cowboy Tracker for Hire 2DARK2C
Crackshot Shooting Instructor Mainframe
Django Bounty Hunter pluv
Doc Holliday Gunfighter beav
Johnny West (with Lightning) Cowboy drbindy
Lone Ranger Wild West Ranger icecreamman
Lone Star Texas Ranger pluv
Roland of Gilead Gunslinger ibps
Rollbar Driver/Mechanic iwbeta
Sam Cobra (with Satan) Gambler, Thief drbindy
Tex Hex Posse leader pluv
The Lone Ranger Lone fighter for justice in the old west. Keenan
The Space Cowboy Guitar pickin', card playin', gun shootin' drbindy
Vaquero Razor Blade Helicopter Pilot Robrauder
Vigilante Hero Iron Will
Wild Bill Cowboy Commando past nastification
Wild Bill Cartoon Version TheBortster
Wild Bill Helicopter Pilot jldubbya515
Wild Bill Helicopter Pilot Robrauder
Wild Bill Rotary-Wing Pilot Kwinn_Lives
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