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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
008 British Secret Service sgcaper
Agent "Rock 'N Roll" McConnel EXCAL Civilian Ops, Aquatic Missions drbindy
Aqua Trooper Diver Underwater Demolition DREMEL
Baroness Intelligence Officer/ Diver husker85
Baroness Cobra Intelligence Officer in Diving Gear Tunnel Rat
Barracuda Frogman past nastification
Barracuda SAS Diver OreoBuilder
Barracuda US Navy SEAL Combat Diver The pros from Dover
Big Daddy Video game hero kramer 70
Black Major Combat Leader steve2477
Bubbles Aquatic Operations past nastification
Captain Solarin Undertow Officer past nastification
Clutch Night Force Vehicle Driver Dusty79
Cobra Commander Cobra Leader in Diving Gear Blood Brigade
Cobra Commander Cobra Leader in Deep Sea Diving Suit Tunnel Rat
Cobra Dive Team - Diver & Lamprey Officer Special Cobra Dive Team a.dream.deferred
Cobra Diver Underwater Trooper Pentastar
Cobra Eel Cobra Underwater Assault Trooper 1:12th Scale lmateo002
Cobra Pond Scum Cobra contaminated water combat diver a.dream.deferred
CRABS Mutated Sea Creature pluv
Cross Country Deep Sea Exploration alleyviperelite
Cruise Navy S.E,A.L Liquidation-d
Deadbolt Navy S.E.A.L. Tactical Entry The pros from Dover
Deadeye Navy S.E.A.L. Sniper The pros from Dover
Deep 69 Deep Sea Diver Lance Sputnik
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