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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
12-Gauge Shotgunner sgartz
2 Para Action Force 2 Para OreoBuilder
8-Ball Dreadnok Bouncer alleyviperelite
A-Team Mercenaries denversaur
AAA ("Triple A"/Amy Amanda Allen) Reporter/Contact past nastification
Abbey Chase Danger Girl drbindy
Abbey Chase Archeologist icecreamman
Ace Fighter Pilot Kwinn_Lives
Ace Battle Corps Rangers Pilot OreoBuilder
Ace Fixed-Wing Aircraft Pilot sgartz
Ace Fighter Pilot singsingjohnny
Ace Mission Briefing Lance Sputnik
Ace Pilot SSgt Groover
Ace Deuce American Ninja HypnoHustler
Action Man International Super Agent OreoBuilder
Action Man Para 50th Anniversary Action Man Para OreoBuilder
Action Man UN Peacekeeper 50th Anniversary Action Man UN Peacekeeper OreoBuilder
Action Marine 50th Anniversary Marine OreoBuilder
Action Sailor Naval Attack toy-nutz
Action Soldier Airborne Military Police toy-nutz
Action Soldier Demolition toy-nutz
Admiral Elapinae Venomous Sea Serpent Admiral sgcaper
Adventure Team Commander Field Commander Ian
Adventurer Desert Specialist Ian
Adventurer Adventure Team bcost74
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