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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Abbas Abdul-Nur Amin Assassin Kilcarr
Accellartor B.A.T. Destruction Owner of a lonely B.A.T.
Admiral Ledger Star Brigade Battleship Commander Robrauder
Agent Faces Infiltrator Robrauder
Agent Panther Intelligence Kilcarr
Air Viper Generic Cobra Pilot Dayspring
Airborne Helicopter Assault Midgarn
Airtight Hostile Environment Dragonfly2099
Alex Mann Recon Kilcarr
Alfonso "Dealer" Gamble Dealer joemichaels70
Alice Cooper Cobra Rocker Owner of a lonely B.A.T.
Alpine Mountaineer danielb
Apex CUTLASS Aerial Scout starviper
Army John Armorer Lance Sputnik
Arsenal Weapons Master Owner of a lonely B.A.T.
Arsenal Special Operations Owner of a lonely B.A.T.
Arsenal Experimental Weapons Mainframe
Ashiko BF3k Weapons Tech alleyviperelite
ASPECT-Viper Forward Air Controller starviper
B.A.T. Battle Android Trooper Robrauder
B.A.T. (Update) Battle Android Trooper Robrauder
Back Alley Urban Warfare Owner of a lonely B.A.T.
Backdraft Flamethrower Owner of a lonely B.A.T.
Backseat Aircrewman/Medic/SAR/Fwd Air Observer Blakwulf
Badger Driver Cobra Transportation Specialist Tunnel Rat
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