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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Accellartor B.A.T. Destruction Owner of a lonely B.A.T.
Ace Riker Test Pilot past nastification
Action Man (Alex Mann) Xtreme Sports/Undercover Ops (Team Xtreme) past nastification
Admiral Ledger Admiral, US Navy past nastification
Agent Firewall Recruit Michelle LaChance Dayspring
Agent Helix Diversionary Tactician Vanishing Point
Agent Helix Classified Stronox
Airtight Hostile Environments snowman_ejc
Alpine Mountain Trooper dbmills1
Antifreeze Cold Weather Operations past nastification
Aphid Defoliation Expert LeeMarvin80
BA Barracus Driver/Muscle/Builder, The A-Team past nastification
Ballistic Sharpshooter (GI Joe Extreme) past nastification
Bank Robbers Criminals G.I.JAC
Baron Ironblood World enemy no. 1 Dark Horse
Baroness Pilot past nastification
Baroness Public Relations past nastification
Baroness ARAH ROC Style/ Intelligence Officer husker85
Baroness Cobra's Iintelligence Officer NIKOLAI
Baroness Espionage drbindy
Baroness Intel Sharkbait
Bazooka Anti-Armor Specialist specoptoys
Bazooka Missle Specialist snowman_ejc
Beachhead Resolute Drill Instructor Aca1raven2002
Beta Man The Arsonist past nastification
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