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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Admiral Keel Haul USS FLAGG Commander Vanishing Point
Airtight HAZMAT Specialist Vanishing Point
Alpine Mountaineer Vanishing Point
Barbecue Firefighter Vanishing Point
Bazooka Mobile Anti Tank Artillary Vanishing Point
Cesspool Eco Terrorist - Toxo-Patrol Leader Vanishing Point
Claymore Spec Ops Vanishing Point
Crank Case Mechanic Vanishing Point
Duke First Sgt. Vanishing Point
Dusty Desert Suvival Specialist Vanishing Point
Firewall Computer Specialist Vanishing Point
Flint Warrant Officer Vanishing Point
Footloose Infantry Vanishing Point
Frostbite Arctic Tradesman / Driver Vanishing Point
Headman Criminal Mastermind of The Headhunters Vanishing Point
Lady Jaye Covert Operations Vanishing Point
Lifeline Field Medic Vanishing Point
Quick Kick Martial Artist / Recruiter Vanishing Point
Rocky Boxer Vanishing Point
Sci Fi Laser Rifleman Vanishing Point
Sgt Slaughter Drill Instructor Vanishing Point
Shipwreck Sailor / Scoundrel Vanishing Point
The Fridge Defensive Line Vanishing Point
The Shredder Foot Clan High Lord Vanishing Point
Tiger Claw Ninja Hand-to-Hand Specialist Karasu
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