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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
"Fatso with the Machine Gun" Armed Protester past nastification
A-Team Soldiers for Hire past nastification
Absorbing Man Super Villain Dark Horse
Advanced Idea Mechanics Soldier Scientist joemichaels70
Advanced Idea Mechanics (AIM) Stormtrooper Soldier Scientist joemichaels70
Alexander de Large A Clockwork Orange bcost74
Alphonse Cobra Trainee harlie
Alto-Viper Jet Pack Troopers harlie
Antifreeze Cold Weather Operations past nastification
Arena Wrangler Events Coordinator for the Arena of Sport past nastification
Asazi Assassin (Council of Doom) past nastification
Assault Trooper Amphibious Assault past nastification
Bane Gotham City Criminal icecreamman
Bane Strength enhanced unknownsoldier13
Bane Supervillain solosam
Bank Robbers Criminals G.I.JAC
Baron Heinrich Zemo Super Villian joemichaels70
Baron Helmut Zemo Super Villian joemichaels70
Baron Ironblood Red Shadows Supreme Leader past nastification
Baron Ironblood Leader of the Red Shadows LIVEVIL
Baron Karza Alien Dictator Mainframe
Baron Von Chill Medieval Master past nastification
Baron Wolfgang von Strucker Chief of HYDRA Kambei
Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker HYDRA Leader joemichaels70
Baron Wolfgang VonStrucker V2 Leader of HYDRA joemichaels70
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