All parts and accessories: Ogeode (Remco)

The Saga of Crystar: Crystal Warrior was a short-lived toyline produced by Remco in 1982. It was unique because the idea for the line originated with Marvel Comics - they wanted to develop a toyline that they would then promote with a comic book that they would produce. Sadly, the line was not successful, and the comic run came to an end after 11 issues. But this line holds a special place in my heart. I had a number of the toys as a kid, and they were completely awesome. So as I built a collection of the figures, I wanted to do customs with them, along the lines of what would have happened had Remco made better toys and the line had seen some success.

Ogeode the good(ish) wizard receives a paint upgrade, since the paint applications on the original figures are very sparse. In addition to his beard and eyes, I painted the symbol on his chest (which he shares with his nefarious counterpart Zardeth) blue and red, since it looks like it's supposed to represent both the crystal (order) and magma (chaos) sides of the conflict. The eyes were left without pupils intentionally, since that's how the character was portrayed in the comics - how mysterious!

Flash and Grandslam ranked Ogeode the 27th most powerful wizard.

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