BBI Para Seal Hd (25A mod, Apxoe sculpt, and paint);
Blk Snake Eyes torso, vest collar sculpted;
Firefly legs, SnE knees and feet;
Storm Trooper Lower arms; painted;
sculpted beret;
Star Wars helmet;
Marauder gear;
File Name: Tristan Knight
Background: Major, U.S. Army; Ranger, Airborne, Black Ops, GIJoe Liason
Specialties: Infantry/Airborne, Martial Arts, Covert Ops, Tactical, Communications, Pilot
A natural leader and premier warrior, Tristan Knight (Knighthawk) lives by a code of honor befitting his name. While he was a successful Ranger officer, the black/elite ops positions are ones he was tailor-made for, given his wide array of training, and his deadly proficiency.
For these reasons, Knighthawk was famously recruited by all of the prominent elite ops programs, ranging from the CIA to GIJoe. Though his "official" file remains silent on the subject, it is widely suspected that Knighthawk had actually agreed to join the Joe team mere weeks before it ultimately was defeated and disbanded, and was in fact a key player in the Joe's last noteworthy victory in the Cobra wars, having helped to destroy the genome enhancement SERPENTOR Super Soldier laboratory in Vienna. Knighthawk is specifically rumored to have defeated the prototype Super Solider, Serpentor I, in hand to hand combat. The loss of this facility has no doubt helped to prevent the enemy from achieving many of their world domination goals, though intel reports new research facilities within the MEDUSA terror network frantically trying to pick up the pieces and resume the program from where it left off.
Upon leaving formal military service, Knighthawk was recruited to be a high ranking officer in the EXCAL organization. Superficially, it might appear the choice was a monetary decision, as it is well known that the billionaire financiers of the program have invested heavily in acquiring the top soldiers in the free world to serve their cause. Those few people who know Tristan Knight well understand that he would not have joined had he not believed in the program. Knighthawk quickly climbed the ranks, and helped engineer the Paladin Knight Program. Knighthawk is one of the two highest ranking, highest paid, and highest profile Knights in that program presently.
Knighthawk commands a combat action team which includes a Paladin Knight in Training (Widowmaker); one EXCAL soldier (Private Parker); his personal bodyguard (and EXCAL agent) Roadblock; personal pilot (and civilian agent) Deuce; plus transport/communications specialist (and EXCAL agent) Heartbreaker.