Head: G.I. Joe DTC Med-Alert
Torso: G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary Flash
Arms and upper legs: G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary TRU exclusive SRO Ace
Lower legs: Tomax
Backpack and rifle: G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra Wal-Mart exclusive Grand Slam
Helmet: G.I. Joe ARAH Salvo

I was a huge fan of Flash when I was a kid, so I kind of bristled at the introduction of Sci-Fi in 1986. I'm not sure if it was the fact that he had a cooler sculpt that made me jealous on Flash's behalf or the fact that he was day-glow green, effectively ruining the sculpt for me, that turned me off to him.

Whatever the reason, it wasn't until I was looking to round out my 1986 roster in 25th form that I decided to tackle him again.

The torso took tons of sculpting and the battery packs on the thighs started life as kibble on the thighs of 25th Snow Job.

With the more muted green, I think I actually dig this character now.

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