Head: Cast (Big Lob I think) with modified hair
Body: MU Rage heavily modified and sculpt added

Okay so this is my third attempt at IQ. Lots of changes this time. Much like Sport 1 one of my first attempts at sculpting clothes by doing his jacket. It was bad. I'm well aware of that now.

I could never get his head right so he gets a new head sculpt that I just fixed some to look more like IQ.

All new sculpt again to capture the details as well as sculpting his neck wrap this time.

Head to toe repaint to include all of the details.

I.Q. (JD Corey) is the adopted son of Bionic 1 and and Mother 1. He has superhuman intelligence and while all of the Bionic 6 have superhuman strength IQ is the strongest of the team.

Bionic 1 originally battled the evil forces of Dr. Scarab alone, but after a tragic accident he makes the difficult decision to have his entire family enhanced with bionics to save their lives. After each of them receive their new abilities they come together as a team and family to form the Bionic 6 and put an end to Dr. Scarab's evil ways. Dr. Scarab has enhanced his one team with powers as well by placing a scarab on each of their chests.

Bionic 6 was another 80s franchise I wanted to team up with GI Joe as a kid. The vintage Bionic 6 figures were slightly larger than Joes but could still crossover well enough.

I included a picture along side the vintage figure that I have acquired since posting the old IQ custom.

I have included a full picture of the full Bionic 6 team and Dr. Scarab's evil crew along with the vintage figures.I

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