Head: Star Trek The Motion Picture- Ilia (cast)
Chest/back: Star Wars- Lyn Me
Arms: Star Wars- Padme (Naboo outfit)
Hands: Star Wars- Greeda
Waist, legs: Star Wars- Padme (in snow attire)
Backpack & sword: NS Storm Shadow?
Skirt: DC Infinite Heroes- Supergirl (w gaps filled from SW- Rancor Keeper hood)
The Blue Ninja two pack was a Classified Series offering, giving two ninja repainted blue. The female ninja was a repaint of Akiko (from the Snake-Eyes film) topped with a new head/mask combo. Not to be confused with the more techno-infused Blue Ninja of Larry Hama's IDW run.
Having made an Akiko custom, which converted that 1:12 figure to 1:18 scale, I wanted to try out the female Blue Ninja. This figure also used junkparts, and drifted even further away from the Classified design. It also has low articulation, and that's fine here.
The Classified Series Blue Ninja was an Akiko body, so I intentionally used the same hands and skirt that I had on my Akiko custom, but otherwise used different parts. The uniform differences between my Akiko and female Blue Ninja actually compliment each other and distinguish the Blue Ninja as more than just a repaint.
Based on the Classified Series figure's color set. Instead of the all-white eyes, I went with white centers over grey "whites".
Sculpting & Modifying:
The head is a cast of Ilia from Star Trek: The Motion Picture, with a sculpted headband/mask. The color, midriff, gloves knuckles/mouths, and pant bottoms are sculpted from rubber bands, epoxy, and paper.
A whole was drilled in the back for the backpack peg.
Thanks for looking.